How Happie Boys Lived Wayward Lives in Cyprus, Failed 6 Out Of 7 Courses.

How Happie Boys Lived Wayward Lives in Cyprus, Failed 6 Out Of 7 Courses.

by Yeyetunde at June 15, 2023

How Happie Boys Lived Wayward Lives in Cyprus, failed 6 Out Of 7 Courses at University is now trending. 

As you know, Matthew Precious Kelechi and Amakor Johnson, two former security guards known as Happie Boys were sent on a study scholarship to Cyprus by Apostle Chibuzor Chinyere of Omega Power Ministries, but they ended up losing focus according to eyewitness accounts. .

It was gathered that the two boys who became famous after their dance video became viral, lived lavishly at the expense of the clergyman.

A source who craved anonymity, disclosed that the duo have been performing poorly academically, and were living like celebrities instead of focusing on their studies.

Happie Boys were said to have brought different girls to the house Apostle Chibuzor rented for them, hosting parties with a lot of drinking and smoking.

The source said Kelechi and Johnson’s grades were so abysmally disappointing that they failed six out of seven courses in the university.

According to the source, “They post all this smoking and drinking on social media, they even smoke and drink in church during service you can imagine.

They carry different girls to the apartment he rented for them. They even turned the apartment into a club house because there is never a time they don’t party.

They live a flamboyant life with the money he gives them, buys expensive clothes and shoes just to show off. He even looked out for a job for them so they could be comfortable and at least help their families back home.

This revelation comes after the former security guards lamented online that the OPM pastor abandoned them and that they had to drop out of school. out of necessity.

What advice do you have for these boys?

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