The Suicide of a Soldier in front of the Army gate highlights Nigeria’s Mental Health Crisis.

The Suicide of a Soldier in front of the Army gate highlights Nigeria’s Mental Health Crisis.

by Yeyetunde at June 18, 2024

A tragic incident has occurred at the 14 Brigade Headquarters, in Abia State, where a senior non-commissioned officer took his own life.

The soldier, known as Command Sergeant Major (CSM) Vitalis, hailing from Okpuala in Ngor-Okpuala, Imo State, was stationed at the 144 Battalion’s Forward Operation Base (FOB) at Ngwa High School in Abayi, Osisioma Local Government Area.

In a shocking turn of events, CSM Vitalis shot himself in front of the FOB gate, leaving his colleagues and military authorities in disbelief.

The motive behind his decision remains unknown, as no suicide note was discovered.

Sources within the security forces in the state have emphasized the need for a thorough investigation to uncover the reasons behind this tragic incident.

They have urged against jumping to conclusions prematurely, as it could potentially hinder the outcome of the investigation.

Prior to his death, there were no reported instances of domestic violence or work-related disciplinary actions against CSM Vitalis by the authorities at the Battalion or the 14 Brigade Headquarters.

However, it is worth noting that he had been missing for two weeks and attempts to reach out to him by his colleagues and military authorities during that time were unsuccessful as reported by the Nigerian media.

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