Family & loved ones celebrate Femi Otedola on his 60th birthday. Photos & Videos

Family & loved ones celebrate Femi Otedola on his 60th birthday. Photos & Videos

by Yeyetunde at November 4, 2022

Nigerian billionaire Femi Otedola is 60 years old this week and celebrated his birthday in billionaire style with friends and loved ones.

Canadian Vickers 99m CHRISTINA O

The business mogul has hired the popular Christina O super yacht which reportedly costs $3m per week for the birthday celebration.

The yacht will sail around the Mediterranean Sea for three weeks with 37 crew members on board & Otedola’s family for the birthday celebration it has been hired for.

Congratulations to Femi Otedola & his family.

See photos/ Videos ~ YTD News.


Canadian Vickers 99m CHRISTINA O

Canadian Vickers 99m CHRISTINA O

Canadian Vickers 99m CHRISTINA O

Canadian Vickers 99m CHRISTINA O

Canadian Vickers 99m CHRISTINA O

Canadian Vickers 99m CHRISTINA O

Canadian Vickers 99m CHRISTINA O





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