Welcome to America. How could that be possible?

Welcome to America. How could that be possible?

by Yeyetunde at November 27, 2022

Hello my people.

In today’s blogger’s diary, I will show you some of the things we see in America that make you wonder how they could possibly have happened.

Upon stumbling upon this video today, I found something very strange, and it made me wonder why?

Ladies, please, there are certain characters that are not worthy of displaying outside. Be respectful of other people’s time and territory.

Public places are not your domain. So, act responsibly because things could develop in a direction you do not expect.

To avoid all of that, be mindful of your actions and character.  

The question for today is this. Was the beating justified?

You be the judge. See the video below. 

N.B. Do you have a video like this to share with me? Notify me @ yettys.biz@yeyetunde.com OR yettys.biz@gmail.com. You can also send it via my Facebook page inbox @ Yetunde Babajide on Facebook. 


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