

by Yeyetunde at August 10, 2022

Hello dear friends & fans, and welcome to Yeyetunde’s diary.

Today, I am sharing this with you as written by Paula Clapon@ gethppy

According to her. Here are some facts about gratitude

  1. People who practice gratitude have higher levels of optimism, positive emotions, and life satisfaction
  2. Gratitude leads to lower levels of stress and depression
  3. It also increases your capacity to be empathic and to see things from the perspective of others
  4. Grateful people are more generous and more likely to be helpful
  5. Gratitude makes you place less importance on material goods, decreasing the feelings of envy that you might have
  6. It helps your immune system to be stronger and lowers your blood pressure
  7. Manifestations of gratitude strengthen moral behavior
  8. Gratitude is one of the key elements of happiness

And she asked.

“What was the last thing you remember being grateful for? Think of the person who helped induce that feeling and give them a sincere “Thank you!”

On that note. Today,

I Yetunde Babajide is grateful to Almighty God and to all those people who have supported me from every step of the way.

Words alone is not enough, but know this today, that I am thankful & grateful for all that you have done.

To you, dear friends and fans, think about that one person who has been your “ride or die”. and to whom you can refer to as your “road dog”. Who is that person and what are you grateful for about them?


Let’s hear your story. 


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